My first night sky images using a Canon 600D

After reading a couple of articles on the web I dusted off the old Canon 600D and had a go at taking some long exposure images of the night sky from home. It was a good feeling seeing the images on the computer for the first time, they aren't great pictures but it's a start and i'm happy! The 600D is quite a few years old now and has a few hot pixels but it's somewhere to start. 

The pictures below are a couple of 15-20 second single exposures over the last few nights, having fun learning at this stage of the game. Getting correct focus seems to be a key ingredient to getting good shots.

I just downloaded a copy of Backyard EOS to evaluate, it seems like this is a good program to remotely control the Canon Camera.

For now i'm just using very simple GFX tools but Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom seem to be essential items to get the most our of the image. Learning how to stack images is next on the list and there appears to be many software options available to do the job. For starters i'll is a program called DeepSkyStacker (DSS), it's used by a lot of people and it's free!


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